Journalism & Reports:
Explore Elle's extensive portfolio of journalism and reports, featuring over 200+ feature articles, research and op-eds. Covering diverse topics from high technology and autonomy to AI, policy, machine learning, cybersecurity, and quantum computing, her work demonstrates a commitment to providing in-depth analysis and thought leadership in the ever-evolving emerging tech landscape.

Selected works
Policy Publications:
Read more of Elle's policy work, where she actively contributes to implementing the UK National Strategy, raising awareness of technological issues, and putting forward citizens' voices. From authoring briefing papers for Parliamentarians on AI and innovation to providing insights into the European Commission's Scientific Advice Mechanism, Elle's involvement extends to the forefront of technology and policy.

Selected works

Journal Publications:
Elle's exploration of the intricate relationship between technology, sustainability, and societal impact is not confined to academic curiosity—it extends to active contributions in journals.